Friday, 4 March 2011

XXL Front Cover

The front cover presents one main centre dominant image, this is of 50 cent and he is staring directly at the person reading the magazine. I feel this is very effective way to grab the readers attention because the image is so striking, and this will make it stand out on a shelf, as when it is surrounded by others it could blend in, however this has the opposite effect. The image is so striking due to the expression 50 cent has on his face, he has one raised eye brow which portrays his arrogance and this is backed up by the perfection of his hairline which Is poker straight. The bio colour method is used on the title of the magazine which is ‘XXL’, this is in 2 colours of white and red, this is placed on the far left which is typically where most magazines place the name. Even though it is not taking up such a large space like others do it still works well in the structure of the front cover, and since it is bold it still stands out. This front cover does not have a busy page of stories on the front, it has one main story of  ‘the power of 50’, I think this works well as it makes the reader intrigued to want to know what else is in the magazine which makes them flick through. This is wrote in simple bubble writing with a white outline, this works well as you can still see the background behind it, and since it is the only story it is wrote quite big which highlights the image again because the way 50 Cent is looking its as if this whole magazine is about him, when it is not. On the far right of the front cover there is a list of well known rappers in black and white writing and edited in bold, they are also in capitals which makes it stand out against the background which is a blue shading. Since the rappers are well known this will gain the audience of the magazine as if you were interested in any of them you would want to know what was inside the magazine about them since there is not a line which is telling you about it. There is three main colours of on the front of the magazine which is black, white and red, I feel this works well as I think if there was too many colours used it would be too busy and this makes it look simple yet striking and I think on my magazine I will take on this effect as I think it works well. The barcode is positioned vertically on the bottom right along with the date and price.

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