Along with the front cover the contents page again has one main dominant image taking up the page, this is of 50 Cent again trying to portray his cool/gangster style. The picture reflects his style as if he was pictured smiling he would look feminine and with the emotionless look on his face it illustrates his type of music since it is rap heavy. The picture is also covering up the first two letters The contents follows through the style of the front cover with the blue shading, this is reflecting off 50 cent’s jacket which I think looks good against the photo as it makes it more of the main focus like as if a light was shining off him. The contents colour scheme is white and yellow, this works well with the colour of the background, as they stand out above it and since yellow is so vibrant it makes the words stand out better. Slang words are used to express the stories e.g. ‘The Chiper, Dog Years’. This illustrates the style of the magazine as these are the type of words rappers use as they never really speak in proper English due to the words they use in the songs. ‘Top Billin’ is on a slant at the top left vertically, this could be classed as slang for top news?, which leads to the fact that only 4 stories are included on the page this only covers the main well known people in the magazine, which will get the readers attention more cause normally when reading a magazine you only really want to read about people you are a fan of or who are well known to you. So this might reflect ‘Top Billin’ which may mean top news and that is definitely illustrated. The main story is in a bigger font compared to these stories, this will be because it is the main story in the magazine therefore they want people to make sure they read it and with the big font it is almost in your face and makes you want to read it especially since 50 Cent is such a big name and well known by mostly everybody. On the bottom of the page there is a black strip which cuts off the page this includes writing in small white print of who the barber is, the clothes brand, and photographer on the bottom right. It is almost as if 50 Cent is such a big style icon that people can achieve this look by doing and wearing exactly what he is, this is also something that people would be interested in especially 50 cent has many fans.
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