Thursday, 3 March 2011

XXL Double page Spread

This page does not reflect the front cover and contents like they did, this is because it is a totally different rapper and colour theme so the theme does not run throughout the magazine. The colours included on this page are grey and black, these are very masculine colours however this makes the page look edgy and even though it would seem that it was directed at only the male audience. I think anyone that was interested in rap, rnb would not feel this way and would feel comfortable reading it because it was about someone they liked listening to. These two colours work well also as the image on the right of the page of Lil Wayne is in black and white so they colours go with the image. The image works well with the type of magazine it is with the way Lil Wayne is pictured, he is positioned with his arms stretched high and his face is in a gaze. It is almost like he is recognising his fans and the focus of the picture is very personal as he may be creating link between himself and the fans and I think this is simple yet effective as you can read into the image. This image is not gender specific as women could find him attractive which would make them want to read about him as well as liking his music as well as men. However the image would not appeal to all audiences as rap music is a specific type so it would just be whether the reader enjoyed that type of music. The image and the text is evened out equally by having a page each, I think this looks simple but works well as sometimes when the text is over the image it is less of a dominant image and does not stand out as well. The headline on this page takes up one third of the page so it stands out well, especially with the pixelated black font which contrasts with the three columns of writing which is in a simple and basic font. With the headline taking up so much room it lets the reader know exactly what he is going to be reading about especially with the dominant image, so its almost all in your face.

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