Friday 18 February 2011

BillBoard Double Page Spread

This double page would appeal to both audiences I think, its just whether you enjoy ‘Florence and the machine’. I think the image of Florence on this page is very eye grabbing as the redness of her hair brings out the colour of the cloth that she is sitting on, so not only is the reader drawn to her face, but they are drawn to the full article also as the image is overlapping onto the next page. I think this image would appeal to all audiences as she has quite a wide fan base, and the way she is positioned for this photo it seems she is doing it to gain fans by the way she is looking straight forward with her full body on show with her posture, it isn’t like she is hiding away but would still be recognised. I don’t think this image is gender specific, I think it would gain both audiences of male and female, especially males as they probably wont have of heard of her before, but with her posture and legs out they will find this appealing and what to find out more about her. Four colours are used on this page- Black, grey, white and red. A small amount of area is used for each colour, this looks good though as the colours aren’t repeated a lot of times they are only used twice maximum so it makes the page look simple yet stylish. The headline of this is ‘USA got the love’ which is quite catchy due to the fact that she is known for her song ‘you got the love’ so this is a good way to draw in the reader as they will most likely know her song. USA and you got the love is in two totally contrasting fonts, USA is taking up the whole background of one page and even overlapping to the next, I like the difference in fonts and I think it almost reflects her style as she doesn’t want to be all out there in the music industry she wants to be known for her songs which she has really thought of. So I think this portrays it well with the capital boldness for USA which emphasises just how big the USA really is and the wide range of music industry it has in it , which then flows through to a smaller ‘got the love’ which is in italics and smaller which is like herself in the USA. A drop capital is used at the start of the text, this starts the three simple column structure off well and makes it more appealing to read.

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