Friday 18 February 2011

Rolling Stone Double Page Spread

The image of Lilly Allen is taking up a whole page and is even overlapping to the next page with her arm sticking out. Her hair style is quirky and this is definitely being portrayed in this image with her black hair and black eye make up which goes with the theme running throughout the page, the red shirt even works well with the two bits of red writing stating her name ‘Lilly Allen’ in case you didn’t know who the artist was. Her posed hand on hips pose, gives off the impression that she is an established artist who is very well known. Her hands on her hips reflects the attitude she has and this is emphasised by the quote taken out of her interview which is taking up the majority of the page stating she doesn’t care what people thinks and she can say what she wants, which the image definitely backs up. I think this is an effective way to grab the attention of the readers, as the large title makes the 4 small columns of simple style font writing look less than it actually is as it is taking up such a large amount of space. The writing stands out especially well with the black thick edging around each letter; this makes the white writing stand out from the pasty white background. Again this quirky text illustrates Lilly Allen’s style, I think the person featured on the page helps the editor make the page as I have found out that the style and writing on the page is done depending on the style of the person, so every little bit of the page is about them and their style. I think this image and the page itself wouldn’t gain readership off men as Lilly Allen’s music is mostly directly at women, since she occasionally puts men down in her lyrics. The style and image of Lilly would also not be appealing to men unless they had a quirky style themselves or found her attractive.

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