Friday 18 February 2011

BillBoard Contents Page

This contents page a ‘Blocky style’ as 4 pictures are used, with writing surrounding it. 4 colours are used for this page, this works well since it is on a white background because everything is made to stand out not just specific things. Bold blue writing is used for part of the line of the story; this engages the reader to read on about what is actually in the magazine if they are interested in what this line says. The contents is split up into 6 different sections depending on what they are about, this is a more organised way to do so as it breaks everything up so you can quickly find what you are wanting to read about if you just find the section. This magazine has tried to break down all information by using different techniques to portray the information as images are used to tell the story rather than text, as pictures are used with page numbers on top of them. The contents title is in a bold style this takes up a small top section of the page and is in simple back but works well as some of the people in the pictures are wearing black so it blends in well. The page is split off with a blue line on the far left to leave a section of ‘No1 on the charts’, this is taking up the whole left third of the page, and does not continue with the theme on the other side as it is in grey. This is a feature I have never seen before but I think it is different and definitely reflects the music genre of the magazine as it is quite clearly full of mainstream music, and this list will be full of what is playing in the chart. There is one main image on this page and again the text is displayed around her, it’s almost as if she is in control of where the text goes.

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