Thursday 14 April 2011

Diary Entry week Nine

This week was my final week for making changes to my peice for the deadline on thursday at 5pm, i added a sticker image on the front which highglighted a free item i felt this would draw readers to by the magazine due to it being something free. I also had to change the colour of some of the text on my front cover as some was hiden by the brightness of the photo. On my contents page i totally changed the photo and i feel this one works better and fills the part nicely. Finally i changed the background colour of my photo on my double page spread to make it stand out better and edited better to make sure it wasn't orange or too dark.

Diary Entry Week Eight

I re took my photos for my magazine, it was quite hard as i wanted to get different backgrounds, however when taking the photos the sun was either too bright making the image not stand out at all or the wind was blowing too much. So since my pictures were unsuccessful i kept the image on my double page spread however i re edited it to make it look less dark and orange. However one of my images went right and the brightness was good for what i wanted it to be like on my front page as it made me text stand out just how i wanted it too

Diary entry week Seven

I received feedback from my class which helped me decide what i needed to change and they also told me what they liked about my peice. This was good and helped alot as everyone looks at something differently. From this is i decided the image on my front cover was too dull and made my text not stand out so i chose to definatly retake this photograph as i wanted to keep my colour scheme